Figueiredo Law
Environmental & Administrative Law
Immigration Law
Business Law & Contracts
Intellectual Property
Our services
Meet our partners
Established in 2017, our highly specialized team of professionals is dedicated to finding effective legal solutions for our clients. We are committed to providing value-added services that offer high cost-benefit, while maintaining a strong focus on quality and excellence.
At our core, we value client focus, transparency, ethics, and excellence in providing legal services. We take a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving and seek to understand our clients' businesses in-depth. This approach allows us to provide effective and creative solutions to legal challenges.
We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the legal profession.
Rua Vergueiro, 2087, 1º andar, conj. 101, Ed. Fortune Center Office
Vila Mariana, CEP 04101-000
São Paulo - SP, Brasil
Telephone: +55 11 5087-8832
Email: figueiredolaw@figueiredolaw.com.br